Who are we?

This is us.

We are a group of friends, students, ambitious people with diverse backgrounds, seeking for a new alternative to experience autonomy within our city boarders.

"I’m passionate about product development. I dive into challenges from conceptualization over design and engineering until a fully fledged prototype. Working with physical products and creating things in a workshop bring me more enjoyment than just sitting in front of my screen. I like working within a motivated team and solving challenges by discussing."

Product Engineer | Prototyper

"I‘m an urban planner and researcher, with a true love for sustainable land use planning, the wonders of GIS, and the insights derived from data analysis. I‘ve worn two hats in my career, working both in the public sector and academia. My work revolves around understanding how cities function, how spaces come together, and how we can make policies that benefit everyone. "

Urban Planner

"Driven by smart design and aesthetics, I am constantly on the lookout for clever and novel concept solutions. I see problems as puzzles which I enjoy solving, and I‘m an enthusiastic team player looking forward to learning from my team mates. My passion lies in product design and conception, and I always strive to bring innovative ideas to life."

Product Designer

"Always on the lookout for innovations and efficiency drivers,
I thrive on embracing creative solutions and thinking outside the box. My approach combines the best of digitalization and hands-on methods, allowing me to harness the power of both worlds to drive projects forward. I‘m a dedicated team player and supporter, believing that as a team, we can create an impact and change the status quo into something more meaningful, more
efficient, and more sustainable."

Marketer | Innovator

"As a dedicated team player with a analytical mind and a strong focus on data, I am passionate about connecting the dots to solve complex problems. My mission is to translate these intricate issues into easy-to-understand stories that drive real social impact. I am committed to leveraging data-driven insights to create meaningful change and make a positive difference in society."

Data Guy | Question Asker

"Always curious about projects in different areas and entrepreneurial challenges. I am constantly pushing for groundbreaking decisions and progress. I‘d rather iterate than overthink. I try to keep things as simple as possible. Generalist who needs to maintain an overview in order to be productive. Great interest in mobility and experience in the bicycle industry."

Product Engineer
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